Product Name : Handbag Basket Bag Basket Tote Bag
Manufacturer : Balenciaga
Model number/Material : 236741 straw/calf leather
Line/Color : Raffia Small Pastel Green/Brown Gray Metal Fittings
Reference list price : Unconfirmed
Size : W24(bottom)-40(top) x H22 x D23 x G38 cm
Serial number : 236741-2260-515859
Accessories : What you see in the picture
Information : The body is slightly out of shape, but it is clean with no scratches or stains. There is no thread near the bottom corner. The handle has a few light scratches, but it is in good condition with no stains or weakness. The inside of the bag is clean with no stains or stains. There are some threads and plating peeling on the metal fittings.
#Balenciaga #Basket #HandBag #ToteBag #Raffia #Small #RaffiaSmall #Brown #Green #80%new #authentic #Straw #Calf #236741 #Gray #secondhand #wholeSale #haibanya #aisai-jp
Manufacturer : Balenciaga
Model number/Material : 236741 straw/calf leather
Line/Color : Raffia Small Pastel Green/Brown Gray Metal Fittings
Reference list price : Unconfirmed
Size : W24(bottom)-40(top) x H22 x D23 x G38 cm
Serial number : 236741-2260-515859
Accessories : What you see in the picture
Information : The body is slightly out of shape, but it is clean with no scratches or stains. There is no thread near the bottom corner. The handle has a few light scratches, but it is in good condition with no stains or weakness. The inside of the bag is clean with no stains or stains. There are some threads and plating peeling on the metal fittings.
#Balenciaga #Basket #HandBag #ToteBag #Raffia #Small #RaffiaSmall #Brown #Green #80%new #authentic #Straw #Calf #236741 #Gray #secondhand #wholeSale #haibanya #aisai-jp